+ Formstack Forms's integration with Formstack forms allows you to collect leads and send them directly into Inflection's marketing automation solution.
Integration built by Formstack
Integration built by Zapier & Formstack's integration with Formstack forms allows you to collect leads and send them directly into Inflection's marketing automation solution.
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Integration Overview

With this integration, you can automatically send form fills into Inflection and use form details in email audiences. Think for content download follow ups.With our Salesforce sync, you can then push the contacts to Salesforce or set up a selective sync to only sync them to Salesforce once they've hit your defined criteria.

Partner Overview is a modern marketing automation solution founded by ex-Marketo executives.

Use the integration to:

Orchestrate marketing marketing campaigns that convert leads, generate pipeline, and drive more revenue.

What You Need

1. Formstack account

2. account

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How It Works

1. Connect Formstack and in the "Forms" section within Inflection

2. Complete a test submission within Inflection

3. Monitor health of connection within Inflection

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Integration Overview

Partner Overview

Use the integration to:

What You Need

How It Works

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Integration Overview

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Partner Overview

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